In case you ever have a tyre blowout caused by road spikes, this is what you need to remember...

In case you ever have a tyre blowout caused by road spikes, this is what you need to remember...

Check out the steps to follow if you are ever in this situation...

In case you ever have a tyre blowout caused by road spikes, this is what you need to remember...
Unsplash Website

A recent incident that occurred in Johannesburg had a motorist in a tricky situation with armed robbers. The incident left one of the armed robbers dead. Of course, this isn't an isolated event, it happens more than we know. 

But reading about crime stories doesn't help us in any way, unless we take something away from them. Of course, it isn't ideal to over consume when it comes to these kinds of stories, but who knows, sometimes these stories help us be proactive if we are ever in the same situation. 

This incident prompted a look into the preventative steps to take if you are ever in this situation. Of course, nothing is ever set in stone when it comes to being a victim of crime, but to be mentally prepared on the steps you can take, helps in some way. 

The first thing is to keep driving, don't stop. 

"Do not stop,” says anti-crime activist Yusuf Abramjee.

"Abramjee said motorists should not stop in dark and potentially dangerous places, even if it meant damaging their rims further. He said the road spiking incidents were of great concern and said he was continuously calling on the police to take urgent and decisive action." (IOL


The next tip is to avoid driving at night or using hotspot routes. It is noted that these road spike incidents tend to happen in crime hot spots and during the night. We understand that safer routes are sometimes the longer routes, but rather safe than sorry. 

This is when visibility is not the greatest and criminals tend to rely on this factor. Of course there are times when driving at night is unavoidable and that's why we think the next tip is obvious but there is no harm in reminding you. 

Be aware. As much as this is a given, sometimes we get distracted and it is of vital importance to be aware of your surroundings. Take note if anyone is standing nearby, around bridges and near darker areas. 

As much as many drivers would think that it would be safer to drive faster, it is quite the opposite actually. By keeping the speed limit, you can spot potential hazards and be more prepared on how to respond accordingly. 

If your car has been damaged in some way, with spikes or something else, but it is still drivable, then drive slowly till you reach a petrol station or a place of safety. 

And make sure to have your emergency numbers saved on your mobile, also if you have an insurance provider that offers road side assistance then make sure their numbers are safely stored on your speed dial. 

Otherwise, be safe and make sure to share this, it may help someone. 

Vic podcast
East Coast Radio

Image Courtesy of Unsplash Website

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