#BreakfastBringsBack the time when Sky got pranked on stage

#BreakfastBringsBack the time when Sky got pranked on stage

This moment from way back when still leaves us in stitches to this very day.

Sky gets pranked at Kings and Queens of Comedy show

This week we chose to honour Darren Maule for turning Sky's comedy debut into one helluva joke. 

We couldn't do a #BreakfastBringsBack and not bring back this hilarious moment!

Sky is generally a funny guy and loves cracking a joke or two with the team, but to make 5,500 paying guests giggle isn't an easy task.

Read: Sky gets pranked at Kings and Queens of Comedy show

Naturally, Darren thought he could take advantage of the moment and decided to prank him during his on-stage moment at The Kings and Queens of Comedy back in 2017. 

Sky prepped for the daunting task of performing three jokes outside of his comfort zone, but little did he know what Darren had up his sleeve.

Check out the hilarious video:

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