Freshlyground takes on politics in new song

Freshlyground takes on politics in new song

The band, Freshlyground, known for poking fun at politics with their songs, is back with Banana Republic.


The newly released song takes on the "lack of leadership" in South Africa and according to the group's lead vocalist, Zolani Mohale they can't ignore what's been happening in South Africa.

"We simply can't ignore what our current leadership is doing and as artists we felt we needed to do something about the situation in the country we love so much," she says.

Here are some of the new song's lyrics: 

Governor, look me in the eye

See I am a human too

Beware mama! The school is burnt to the ground!

End of knowledge! Church is out

Oh most Powerful baptise me with fire; make me holy too)



No Opportunity

It's just another day in the Banana Republic

Take a look at the video here:

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