Woman sets loose hundreds of roaches inside a courtroom in NYC!

Woman sets loose hundreds of roaches inside a courtroom in NYC!

Just thinking about this scene gives us goosebumps!

cockroach in macro photography
cockroach in macro photography/Pexels Website

When you think about courthouses and acts of rebelliousness, you rarely associate them with cockroaches.

But one such courthouse in upstate New York was the victim of hundreds of cockroaches. 

During an altercation that occurred whilst a court proceeding was taking place, cockroaches were released as a form of protest. 

"One of the defendants started to film courtroom proceedings and was told to stop. An altercation followed the order and hundreds of cockroaches, which were brought into the courthouse in plastic containers, were released." (MSN)

The woman who committed this arb act was charged for many counts, which included; tampering with physical evidence, disorderly conduct, obstructing governmental administration, resisting arrest, and second-degree criminal contempt. 

The courthouse had to be closed for fumigation and the woman was released. The reasons as to her release are unknown. 

But an investigation is being carried out regarding the release of the cockroaches. 

Can you even imagine how the people in the court must have felt seeing all those cockroaches running wild around them?!

We would prefer not to...

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Image Courtesy of Pexels Website

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