What's the worst way to break up with someone?

What's the worst way to break up with someone?

"I once had a guy's mom break up with me for him." 

Woman holding a broken heart made of paper
Woman holding a broken heart made of paper/Pexels/@Antoni Shkraba

Breaking up is definitely not something anyone would want to linger on. 

But it is certainly a topic that many people can relate to. It is something of a common ground for most singletons.

Some have experienced more hurt than others and that can lead to some scornfulness. After hearing some of the crazy break-up stories, we can't blame them. 

After a Reddit user posted the question, "What is the worst way to break up with someone?", it seems that more than one person has a common break-up story. 

One person said that she found out that they were broken up when he started kissing another girl seated at the same couch as them at a party. As it turns out, more than one person related to this method. 

Then there was the comment below:

by u/Csimiami from discussion What is the Worst way to break up with someone?
in AskReddit

One user said that her boyfriend asked his mom to break up with her for him. And get this, she did!

"I once had a guy's mom break up with me for him. We were both in our mid 20's. For the smart alecks, myself and ex-bf were both in our twenties and dating. His mom was the one who told me he was breaking up with me. I wasn't dating the mom." (Reddit)

by u/lamemayhem from discussion What is the Worst way to break up with someone?
in AskReddit

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Break-ups are hard as it is, why make it worse by hurting the person more? 

That's what we thought, but then we saw the comment below...

by u/Sleep_adict from discussion What is the Worst way to break up with someone?
in AskReddit
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