WATCH: What it looks like to be about that selfie life...

WATCH: What it looks like to be about that selfie life...

She certainly needs to learn about respecting someone's personal space...

WATCH: What it looks like to be about that selfie life...
Reddit Screenshots/@r/Cringetopia

We are all about that selfie life...

However, there's a time and place for everything. And just as we say that, we have to admit that there are just some people in the world who were born without the ability to read the room...

You have to know someone who just cannot, for the life of them, see beyond their noses. And we certainly found one of those people online. She not only could not see beyond her nose, but looked like she was literally living in a bubble of self absorption. 

A woman who seems to be on a mission to capture the perfect selfie is seen literally hovering over another person whilst she is eating. The level of awkwardness is beyond cringe status and is leaving us feeling super uncomfortable. 

So, we cannot even imagine what the lady eating must be feeling...

But, more importantly, we don't think we would've let it get this far. We would've drawn the line at the hair flip...

Like, seriously?

WATCH the video below, and take part in our poll below, we would love to hear what you would do. 

Courtesy of Reddit.

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Many people came to the comments section with their opinions, check out what some of them had to say:

The moral of this story is that we all should be brought up with a sense of personal space - and respecting everyone's right to that.

Vic podcast
East Coast Radio

Image Courtesy of Reddit

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