Vic Naidoo shares his top travel bag must-haves this holiday season

Vic Naidoo shares his top travel bag must-haves this holiday season

What are your top travel must-haves? 

Vic Naidoo shares his top travel bag must-haves this holiday season...
Unsplash Website

There's no doubt that when it comes to traveling, Vic Naidoo is our number one travel dictionary. Especially when it comes to the travel essentials that everyone should carry when going on holiday. 

Rest assured these are the most important things you should have on your person when traveling. These five items are things that are very personal to Vic and have been put together from experience, and if you are holidaying this summer, then you should definitely stay tuned...

His travels range far-and-wide, for him traveling isn't just about exploration, but it is also something that allows him to grow, to reflect, to heal, to enrich his soul. If you have travelled, in whichever shape or form, you will understand. 

So sharing these must-haves is deeply rooted in all of the above. Because if there is one thing we can learn and embrace from Vic Naidoo, it's the art of self-love. The ability to love oneself doesn't come from a place of vanity, but rather a place of creating a strong foundation to which all other things stem from. 

On that note, when it comes to self-love, the first thing to pack is Flip Flops, now this may sound weird, but if you love your feet then you should definitely get a pair of these. Not for wearing out, as much as wearing in the shower. As much as we love to travel, showers can play host to a range of unhygienic germs. Ain't nobody want that on their feet... so invest in a pair. 

The second and third items go hand-in-hand, a good sunblock and sunglasses. Don't sell yourself short when it comes to a good sunblock, when travelling, there are high chances that you will be outdoors a lot of the time, and even if it's not sunny, the sun can have lasting effects on your skin. 

As for the sunglasses, yes, style is very important, because it makes you feel like you are on holiday. There's no shying away from good shades. Try to invest in a UV/UB approved pair, you can check out Dischem for a fairly priced one that offers protection. 

Next up on the list is a book, as Vic always says, "reading is fundamental" and therefore you should definitely carry something along to catch up on your word count. It doesn't have to be a book, it could be a magazine, or even an audiobook or podcast series (if that's your thing). 

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And last but definitely not least, in this day and age as much as many locations are equipped with Wi-Fi, it pays to have a dongle on the go. For whatever reason you may have, the most important thing is having wireless so you can have easy access to information and emergency services, wherever you are. 

Have a wonderful holiday beautiful fam, we hope that wherever you are, you take time for you and make sure to rest and relax. This year has been challenging and we hope that you can find some peace during this time. Stay safe if you are traveling. 

Vic podcast
East Coast Radio

Image Courtesy of Unsplash Website

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