She didn't wear a mask, he refused to serve her, now she wants half his money

She didn't wear a mask, he refused to serve her, now she wants half his money

Over $100,000 was raised for barista Lenin Gutierrez for standing up to a woman who refused to wear a mask inside a Starbucks. Now she wants half the money...

Star Bucks
Architecture building business city/ Pexels

Last month, Amber Lynn Gilles berated Lenin Gutierrez for refusing to serve her at a Starbucks because she was not wearing a mask. After the video went viral of Amber shaming the young man, a GoFundMe page was created in Lenin's name and $100,000 was raised for him, for doing the right thing and following Covid-19 protocol. 

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Amber is now claiming that she deserves half the money raised because she was 'discriminated against'.

In an interview with 10 News Sandiego, Amber claims that she has shortness of breath and dizziness, and that wearing a mask messes with the heartbeat. 

READ: Video goes viral after woman refuses to wear mask at supermarket

Amber also plans to create her own GoFundMe to raise funds for legal fees, should she decide to sue. 

According to People, last week, Starbucks announced its official policy requiring masks for all customers in stores, which went into effect on Wednesday.

READ: Indian man wears solid gold-plated mask to protect against Covid-19

With 3,3-million confirmed cases of Covid-19 in America, we're trying to figure out why Amber would want to walk around with no mask, especially is she is asthmatic? 

Do the right thing, wear a mask, practise social distancing, and stay at home if you can. We are all in this Covid-19 fight together. 

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