This one-minute rule will change the way you feel about your to-do list in 2023

This one-minute rule will change the way you feel about your to-do list in 2023

Who knew that one minute was so valuable?

Clear glass with red sand grainer
Clear glass with red sand grainer/Pexels

We definitely can't all be masters of time, and if we are really honest with ourselves, it is quite challenging to get all your tasks done for the day. 

Sometimes, things that were unforeseen come up, and you have to digress from your list. 

But being the people we are, living the high pressured society that we live in, we are extremely hard on ourselves for not completing those tasks - and then we beat ourselves up over it. 

This is why when we came across this one-minute rule as set out by author Gretchen Rubin, we had to share it. 

It was actually a writer by the name of Jessica Stillman that brought it to our attention, but she found out about it whilst scrolling through social media. 

Stillman, a contributor at Inc. Africa, shared how she felt overwhelmed by it all during December. Her list of things to do got longer, but no matter how much work she did, she didn't feel like she accomplished anything. 

Cue the one-minute rule. 

"Here's a basic explanation of the rule from Rubin: "I must do any task that can be finished in one minute." Right now, no excuses. And yes, everything. From filing that paper to hanging up that quote to sending that two word email." (Inc. Africa)

That certainly sounds doable. But how much can you do in one minute exactly?

The key, according to Stillman, is consistency. If you can stick to a task and the time it takes to do it, then you will see results. 

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"It turns out that our brains are wired to nag us about pending tasks and obligations. The repetitious reminders only stop when you close out a task by scheduling or completing it. Which is why folding my socks only takes a minute, but the thought of having to fold my socks haunts me all day." (Inc. Africa)

The proof is in the pudding, as they say, so it's all a matter of trying it out and seeing where it goes. 

We're game, are you?

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