ECR's Top 5: Father's Day gifts for dads who say they don't want anything...

ECR's Top 5: Father's Day gifts for dads who say they don't want anything...

What to buy...

Photo of Happy Father's Day greetings
Photo of Happy Father's Day greetings/Pexels Website

Father's Day can sometimes seem like an afterthought. With everyone including the media prioritising mothers, it can be a bit heartsore for the dads.

And the timid and humble fathers are always so endearing through it all. 

Well, not all of them anyway, there are those who will put you through the test. Insisting that they don't want anything but in actual fact the secretly crave a gift...

So for those fathers, we have dedicated some time to come up with a few suggestions on what to get them. 

1. Personalised money clip

Now this can be quite a bespoke gift, but we think it differentiates the men from the boys. 

You can get a good quality one from Takealot for anything between R250 to R500. But making it unique is what will win dad over. Take it to a local engraver and add a special message to it. 

2. Airbnb Gift Card

Let's be honest, dads are generally not the greatest when it comes to concocting a great getaway. Don't start shooting, we're just saying. 

It could be a great gift to either buy him a gift card for you and him, some bonding time, or to treat him to a specialised getaway where he gets to do something he enjoys. 

Like golfing, football, fishing, or perhaps something like a holistic spa where he can retreat and get in touch with his zen...

3. Once in a lifetime experience

What does your dad love doing? Is he sporty or crafty, whatever the answer, you could plan either a day at the shooting range, go karting, or perhaps a chance to test drive a sports car.

Get your thinking cap on and make it special. If he is crafty, then perhaps a DIY session at your local Builder's Warehouse. Something tailor made for dad that they could help with? 

4. Personalised T-shirts for dad and the whole family

This is something so easily accessible these days. You could design something fun or personal to your father. For instance, if he enjoys zoning out in front of the TV, then you could say something like, "The Couch Potato Don", and you could get similar ones for the rest of the fam. 

So you could get one for you saying, "Product of a couch potato" or "Couch potato 2.0". 

These are both sweet and show him that you put some thought into it. 

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5. Wireless charging device

Whatever type of dad you have, pro electronics or not, there must've been one time or the other where he has forgotten to charge his mobile? 

Get him a wireless charger that can be left on his side table or in his vehicle. This way he can just place his phone on top whenever he needs to and it sure beats the hassle of plugging it in. 

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