DoorDash, a brand that encourages all it's employees, even the CEO, to make deliveries

DoorDash, a brand that encourages all it's employees, even the CEO, to make deliveries

We love this down-to-earth, humble approach for a big company...

DoorDash, a brand that encourages all it's employees, even the CEO, to make deliveries...
Unsplash Website

As a company that creates their own culture through the art of doing, we have to say that DoorDash has got the right ingredients in place. But whether or not that translates into actual good company dynamics is another thing. 

Wanting to implement good habits as a company is great, it shows company interest in the team dynamic. One of the ways that DoorDash is doing that is by making all of its employees, including the CEO, deliver food at least once a month. 

"Under the WeDash program, employees, including those in DoorDash's corporate offices, must serve as delivery drivers at least once a month. If they cannot deliver, they can choose other experiences like shadowing customer service staff." (Business Insider)

The 'WeDash' program is the company's employee engagement program. It aims to engage workers into learning "first-hand how the technology products we build empower local economies, which in turn helps us build a better product." (DoorDash spokesperson - Business Insider)

A dissatisfied employee who revealed that they earned $400,000 annually (which equates to around R6.4-million), expressed their unhappiness on the employee social platform, Blind. 

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The post was confirmed to have been from an employee as it prompts users to sign up with their work email addresses. But that is besides the fact that this person whose salary is an indicator of seniority, comes across as disrespectful and arrogant. 

Is this the type of leadership that exists in their company's corporate culture? It is exactly the type of attitude and behaviour that their WeDash program is trying to address, what an oxymoron (minus the oxy)...

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East Coast Radio

Image Courtesy of Unsplash Website

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