From doggy paddle to crocodile zombie - a funny video of a croc underwater!

From doggy paddle to crocodile zombie - a funny video of a croc underwater!

A TikTok video shows off what a crocodile looks like swimming underwater - and it's pretty funny!

From doggy paddle to crocodile zombie - a funny video of a croc underwater!
Twitter Screenshot/@xoHaliii

Picture yourself watching a scary movie about crocodiles and as the monotone 'dum, dum, dum, dum' elevates and you hold onto your seat or close your eyes... the crocodile snaps his jaws and you instinctively shout in fear!

Then a friend shows you a video of a crocodile swimming underwater and you just burst into laughter - feeling absolutely silly that you were even a tiny bit afraid of this scaly reptile. 

Crocodiles are notoriously known for their dramatic appearances, which are, quite frankly, scary. So with a warm heart and a hearty giggle, we feel happy to know that these reptiles literally look like zombies underwater.

So from the traditional doggy paddle - we move to now call it the 'croc zombie'!

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