A cute gesture by Ranbir Kapoor to Alia's bridesmaids - a definite 'Aww' moment!

A cute gesture by Ranbir Kapoor to Alia's bridesmaids - a definite 'Aww' moment!

Just a modern-day Bollywood love story...

Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt wedding
Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt wedding/Instagram Screenshot/@Tanya.SG

Bollywood love stories have got to be the most drawn out. No matter how much you say you are not going to cry, or that this is so superficial...

The writers and the emotion from the actors, always - ok, most of the time anyway, get that tears rolling down the cheek...

Whether or not they know about heartbreak and love like this is uncertain, but with this particular real-life love story, perhaps they have something up their sleeves with their popularity onscreen...

Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt are two actors in Bollywood that have been dating for five years. So when news of their nuptials were announced, you can imagine the excitement from fans.

The two got married last week and the internet has been storming with pics of them enjoying their intimate wedding in Mumbai. 

A sweet post by one of Alia's friends, Tanya Saha Gupta, also an actress, showed a cute gesture by the bridegroom with his beloved wife's bridesmaids. 

It was a hand-written pledge to the bridesmaids. What the pledge entailed, we are not sure, but perhaps this was his promise to Alia's friends that he would always stay true to her...

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See Alia Bhatt's post on her personal Instagram page. 

It read:

Today, surrounded by our family and friends, at home … in our favourite spot - the balcony we’ve spent the last 5 years of our relationship - we got married.

With so much already behind us, we can’t wait to build more memories together … memories that are full of love, laughter, comfortable silences, movie nights, silly fights, wine delights and Chinese bites.

Thank you for all the love and light during this very momentous time in our lives. It has made this moment all the more special.

Ranbir and Alia

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