CRAZY: Salt Bae has people in their feelings after bill at restaurant reaches R2.9m

CRAZY: Salt Bae has people in their feelings after bill at restaurant reaches R2.9m

They say you pay for what you get, but we're wondering what was in this meal experience which totalled a massive R2.9-million!

Man wearing sunglasses and a fancy coat
Man wearing sunglasses and a fancy coat/Instagram Screenshot/@nusr_Et

We can never really be surprised when we see restaurant bills that rack up to larger-than-life totals, especially when they are in countries such as the United Arab Emirates. 

In this case, the famous Nusr-Et aka The Salt Bae made a bit of a stir on social media. 

It was yet again about his restaurant in Abu Dhabi and let's just say it wasn't all raving fans. 

In a pic he posted last week, we see a restaurant bill that came to Dhs615,056, which equates to roughly R2.9-million. 

Now if that didn't leave your jaw dropped, then you must be used to or at least aware of the lifestyle of big spenders. 

And with the recent Formula One sporting event that took place as well as the Qatar FIFA World Cup, it is not surprise that the UAE has many high profile guests. 

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After Nusr-Et posted the pic of the bill on his Instagram page, he received many comments about how this was "sad" or a "waste of money". 

To which he responded: "Quality never expensive."

Upon taking a closer look at the bill, besides his dishes, there were a few expensive bottles of alcohol that featured at the table. 

"There were five bottles of Pétrus wine that ended up being half the bill. There were two 2009 Louis XIII Pétrus wine bottles that cost around R950 000." (MSN)

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