Watch: The moment when overtaking a truck went horribly wrong

Watch: The moment when overtaking a truck went horribly wrong

When learning how to drive, instructors will always teach you about being cautious when deciding to overtake on a busy road. This driver missed that lesson.

car fails to overtake youtube
Screenshot: Times Live video

I’m pretty sure we’ve all been in the position where a truck has been hogging the lane we’re also trying to drive in, and no matter how much you flash your lights or curse at the driver, they will not move over.

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Although it’s not always trucks, it’s usually them or buses that pull into a fast lane and bring you, along with a ton of other drivers, to a snail's pace.

A video of a driver trying to overtake a large truck has gone viral, sending a clear message to motorists that it’s better to be safe and stay behind rather than try and pass, only to end up being the sorry one. 

Read: Truck driver thanks his lucky stars after missing kids

In this video, the driver of the smaller vehicle starts to overtake but the truck veers back into the lane, and there’s no place for the car to go but under the wheels of the trailer. 

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