Holographic heart used during surgery

Holographic heart used during surgery

Every day science continues to move forward and assist people in saving lives.


A husband and wife team of doctors, Jennifer and Jon Silva, have been hard at work at the Washington University in St Louis, United States.

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And what they have been working on is something that will change heart surgery forever.

They have successfully developed a device that presents the doctor with a hologram visualisation of the patient's heart while they are operating.

With initial testing, it has now proven that using a hologram can improve the accuracy of minimally invasive surgeries, e.g when used to treat arrhythmias (heart rhythm problems).

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So how was this hologram designed to help?

It provides all necessary real-time information in 3D, while also giving a direct view of the internal tools such as catheters.

Watch the video below to learn more about this scientific breakthrough:

Maim image courtesy of Pexels

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