YouTuber Stefan Molyneux blasted for telling women to 'get married young' and have their babies

YouTuber Stefan Molyneux blasted for telling women to 'get married young' and have their babies

Described as a 'far-right Canadian podcaster and YouTuber', Stefan Molyneux has made a comment regarding fertility that has not sat well with the Twittersphere. 

Grayscale Photography of Woman Holding Ultrasound Photo / Pexels
Grayscale Photography of Woman Holding Ultrasound Photo / Pexels

Twitter is a place to share your thoughts with the world, but one needs to be aware as soon as you hit 'tweet', you put yourself at risk of going viral for your opinions. 

A man has come under fire on social media after sharing some rather unhelpful fertility advice for women on Twitter. His name is Stefan Molyneux and he's the host of Freedomain Radio. He took to Twitter to encourage women to "listen to Mother Nature".

He explained that women should tie the knot young, pop babies out, then worry about their career. As expected, his message wasn't well received - myself included.

"Ladies, by the time you are 30, 90 percent of your eggs are dead. Get married young, have your babies, THEN have your career. You have 40 years to work if you want to, you only have a short time to have children. Listen to Mother Nature - she loves you and wants you to be happy," his tweet read.

Tweeps were fueled with rage after reading his tweet, and to be honest, I don't blame them. Check some of them below:

I'm not a fertility specialist, so I can't comment here, but what I can tell you is that ain't NO ONE going to be telling me how to live my life. My life, my body. 

Why should we, as women, be defined by stats and our age? I say live and let live. I have many more strong comments to share on this matter, but I'll rather reserve them so I don't waste my breath. 

*Drops mic*

Main image courtesy of Pexels

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