This husband will never be in charge of babysitting again

This husband will never be in charge of babysitting again

Matt Coyne made his wife's first day back at work pretty hard. He kept sending her these hilarious photos of their baby. The poor woman!


Heading back to work after maternity leave is tough to say the least. The fear of leaving your precious bundle behind as you join the daily grind can leave a new mom with eyes spilling over with anxiety.


You would think leaving your little newborn at home with daddy would calm your nerves, right? Yes, but if your husband is Matt Coyne, then no!


Her blogger husband decided to have a bit of fun by sending her photos of their baby Charlie in some compromising situations.


This conversation between husband and wife is classic. When Lyn asks simple questions like how the baby is doing, she is sent images of dad and bubba having a jolly old time in pubs, dancing bars, jumping out of planes, and even being a human cannon ball.


When Lyn checked in for the first time that day, we are certain she didn’t expect to get this as a reply.


I love Matt's sense of humour, but being a mom myself, I would rather get a picture of my little bundle asleep in its cot. Let's hope her second day back at work goes a lot smoother.


The poor woman!


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