Comedian Ali Wong on why she prefers nannies who are older

Comedian Ali Wong on why she prefers nannies who are older

American actress and stand-up comedian Ali Wong has opened up about why she prefers nannies who are more mature in age to look after her kids. 

Comedian Ali Wong on stage / YouTube
Comedian Ali Wong on stage / YouTube

Listen to KZN talking about the perfect age for the nanny, or read the details under the podcast.

There are many things that must be taken into consideration when parents decide on getting a nanny to take care of their kids. Apart from their background and their work history, for some parents, the nanny's age plays a vital part. 

This is the case with comedian and Always Be My Maybe star Ali Wong, who has openly said in a stand-up piece that her nanny is 62-years-old, and she would not choose anyone younger than this age. 

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Jokingly, the star went on to say that those who choose 25-year-old nannies are basically inviting a 'marriage grenande' into the household. 

"When you have a newborn baby, your marriage is very weak because you both are very stressed out, you're resentful of each other," Wong said. 

This opens up a new topic on the benefits of choosing nannies who are more mature in nature and age. Home Work Solutions cited that amongst other things, hiring a mature nanny often means that they come with a host of experience that younger counter paths don't have, they are more likely to go above and beyond the call of duty, and have resources that can suit any situation. 

We chatted to Chantal, one of our colleagues at East Coast Radio who has a four-year-old son. Being a young couple, she and her husband often find each other going out and needing someone to look after their kid. 

READ: "My wife wants a male nanny for our daughter and I'm saying no"

She went on to say that she does prefer getting an older nanny because they are less likely to get distracted with their mobile devices. She finds that an older nanny comes with more wisdom, and is more willing to do whatever it takes to take care of the child as if it were her own.

Parents not only have a tough job of raising their kids, but also making sure they have proper support when they aren't around to do it themselves. It is said that 'a parents' intiuation' plays a part in the hiring process, but for one, age does matter. 

What do you think is the perfect age for a nanny?

Main image courtesy of YouTube

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