#AskStacey: Why don't we greet our neighbours?

#AskStacey: Why don't we greet our neighbours?

"They live next to us, and sometimes we take them for granted, but why is that?" asks Stacey Norman. 

Stacey Norman in 'Ask Stacey' / East Coast Radio
Stacey Norman in 'Ask Stacey' / East Coast Radio

There are two types of people in the world - those who get on with their neighbours and those who don't. 

I remember as a youth always saying "hello" to the Aunty next door, so I'm not quite sure when that stopped being a thing. Maybe we should bring it back, because when we can't find the cat or need to borrow some brown sugar, we can knock on a door with confidence.

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People these days don't seem to embrace their neighbours, and I say, down with that! 

Watch this week's #AskStacey below:

Do you have a neighbour that has become a friend as opposed to just a person next door? Share with me. 

ALSO: "Don't touch my food - EVER!"

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