Zzz...The science behind beauty sleep

Zzz...The science behind beauty sleep

We're taking a deep dive into how sleep affects you.

Zzz...The science behind beauty sleep
Zzz...The science behind beauty sleep/ canva

It turns out beauty sleep is real. 

We've all heard that catching some z's is essential for general well-being but how does this affect your overall appearance?

Watch this video below to get an inside scoop or scroll below for a real-life take on the validity of being a sleeping beauty.

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The science behind beauty sleep 

According to CNET.com, when you sleep, your body enters recovery mode and each stage of sleep is crucial to skin recovery. During varying stages of sleep, the body produces multiple hormones including human growth hormone, melatonin and cortisol.

Furthermore, these hormones play critical roles in recovery including repairing skin from daily damage, keeping our skin looking youthful and protecting your skin from free radicals that can cause damage to cells.

Hot tip: Every single hour of sleep counts so try get to bed as seamlessly as possisble

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