WATCH: Zodwa Wabantu addresses speculation about her Insta-account hack hoax

WATCH: Zodwa Wabantu addresses speculation about her Insta-account hack hoax

Wabantu joins a long list of celebs who have been hacked in recent months.

Zodwa Wabantu Hackers Instagram video
Zodwa Wabantu Official Instagram

Celebrities and other famous stars falling victim to hackers is nothing new.

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Many stars have had to deal with some incredibly personal things (like nude pictures) being exposed on the internet for the entire world to see.

While there could be a hacker trying to access someone's account every hour of every day, there are times where it seems like there are waves of hacking happening all at once.

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Most recently, dancer and socialite Zodwa Wabantu was the latest victim of a hacking situation and her Instagram was being held hostage.

These hackers did operate a bit differently from those who are usually behind these tricks. These hackers chose not to expose the star or make any changes to the account, instead, they took to Instagram stories and posted their demands.

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They had listed their ransom demands and in the story post they also said that if she did anything stupid they would be deleting all 5,962 of her posts, any content her account had posted, and that she would "regret it".

Zodwa, who has an incredible following of 1.7-million users, would probably have been devastated if she had to create a new account and start from scratch, but luckily she was able to fight off these people and successfully regained control of her account.

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After the whole ordeal she posted the following statement on her feed:

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But even though many were happy to see that Zodwa has regained control of her account, there were a few people in the comments stating that they thought this whole situation might have been a hoax.

Zodwa clearly didn't have time for these claims and decided to address these rumours with a video:

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We also don't know why anyone would pretend to have their account hacked, but it does seem like all the drama has been sorted and things on Zodwa's account can go back to normal.

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Another SA celeb who quite recently was going through the most when it comes to hackers was NaakMusiq.

The artist's followers were surprised when they noticed a sudden change in content on his account.

Turns out a Turkish man had started posting selfies, videos, and more on NaakMusiq's official Twitter account.

Read the full story here.

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Main image courtesy of Zodwa Wabantu Official Instagram

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