WATCH: Shakira has been attacked by wild boars!

WATCH: Shakira has been attacked by wild boars!

The superstar found herself being mobbed by a different kind of crowd...

Shakira attacked by wild boar
Shakira Official Twitter

If you live in South Africa, you learn to adapt to all the wildlife.

READ: WATCH: Wild boars ambush woman and steal her groceries!

In KZN, we know that if you leave a window open when there is a monkey, or two, around, you'll have to say goodbye to your snacks and anything else within arm's reach.

And let's not even get started about the other unwanted house guests, our more slippery, slithery friends - snakes.

READ: WATCH: Cyclist experiences vicious real-life angry bird attack

But it seems like we aren't the only ones being terrorised by groups of animals.

Shakira had been enjoying a walk in a park with her son, Milan, while in Barcelona when she had a scary wild animal encounter.

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After the incident, she posted about it on her Instagram stories and shared the bizarre story of exactly what happened.

She starts by showing fans a filthy bag that looks like it's seen better days and says: "Look at how two wild boar which attacked me in the park have left my bag. They were taking my bag to the woods with my mobile phone in it. They've destroyed everything."

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She then turns to her son, who had accompanied her to the park, and asks him to tell the truth, which is that she stood up to the wild boar.

Watch the video below:

READ: WATCH: Woman takes bite of rotten fingertip while enjoying her burger

As mentioned, Shakira isn't the first and definitely won't be the last person to be confronted by these little rascals.

According to BBC News the Spanish police received 1,187 wild boar-related phone calls in 2016 alone. They have attacked dogs, cat-feeders, and even cars!

We'll take our little monkey friends over these angry piglets any day...

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East Coast Radio

Main image courtesy of Shakira Official Twitter

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