WARNING: Do not put this in your dating app bio!

WARNING: Do not put this in your dating app bio!

How KZN keeps their dirty laundry hidden...

Do not put this in your dating app bio!
Do not put this in your dating app bio!/ canva

Are you a single pringle that's ready to mingle? Might want to think twice before you type!

We all know what it's like to enter the wild waters of the dating scene - if you don't then you're too young to be reading this.

Read More: Single? You can find love using the Eskom se Push 'Ask My Street' chat!

A recent surge in dating apps has lead to the most minute of details being a make or break.

"It all starts with a single swipe"


Perception vs Reality is something many dating app users need to juggle. For some, being authentic is key, whereas others opt to omit certain details in order to get their foot in the door.

But now, it's time to air that dirty laundry.

Stacey and J Sbu have done some digging and here's what they would not put in their bio under any circumstances.

UPDATE: "I swindled The Tinder Swindler"

Stay tuned for the final reveal of what you should never put in your dating app bio.

We will bring you the latest at East Coast Radio.

TUNE IN at 15:00 for the scoop today. LISTEN LIVE here. 

UPDATE: One year on from the special Comrades proposal

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