Vogue Cover Star: Harry Styles 'unapologetic' for loving women's clothing

Vogue Cover Star: Harry Styles 'unapologetic' for loving women's clothing

Harry Styles is making history as the first man to cover Vogue Magazine solo for the December issue.

Harry Styles

This feat has been overshadowed by Harry Styles' choice of clothing on the magazine spread. The former One Direction member is pictured on the cover wearing a Gucci lace ball gown. 

Have a look at the cover below: 

The British heartthrob explores gender fluidity, citing his 'flamboyant' idols: Prince, David Bowie, Elvis Presley, Freddie Mecury, and Elton John as his inspiration for the cover. 

Harry has the following to say when it comes to talk about his decision to take on gender fluidity:

Styles adds that putting labels on clothes is such a shame and really is humans limiting themselves to the joy that clothes bring: 

Have a look at some of the looks that Harry Styles modelled for his Vogue Cover issue below: 

What are your thoughts on gender fluid clothes? 

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