VIDEO: Drunk monkey is babelaas in this oke's car!

VIDEO: Drunk monkey is babelaas in this oke's car!

A wild night out...

Drunk monkey
Drunk monkey / TikTok screenshot

This article may be triggering or offensive to sensitive readers. 

One furry fella was monkeying around when he accidentally went a little too hard on the Savanna. 

A video captured a monkey chilling in the boot of a car, drunk and as carefree as can be. 

The footage has racked up hilarious commentary as the monkey is seen clutching onto that Savanna cider for dear life. 

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Check out the drunk monkey below:

@artificialprist #SAMA28 #g #tiktok #bhincanation #maskandi #kzn #mkhize #tik #tranding #kzn #phazamisa_news #zoso #amambo #ngizwemchunuonline #kzn ♬ Paris - Mthandeni SK

While the half-empty alcoholic beverage remains in the tipsy monkey's little fingers; clearly his escapades got out of hand. 

One user shares: "He is regretting this life decision right?"

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Many frequent Savanna sippers are familiar with the aftermath of thinking this alcoholic beverage won't knock you. Unfortunately, there were no friends to warn the drunkey monkey. 


Here are the hilarious reactions shared by the internet:

  • "Don't play with Savannah, that stuff is rough."
  • "Does he know tomorrow is Monday?"
  • "Very tired after last night's hard witchcraft heist." 
  • "Someone's father after a long day." 
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No information has been shared on the events that unfolded after this video was taken. 

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Image courtesy of TikTok screenshot 

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