Tweeps call out DJ Shimza for his domestic worker remarks about her washing his socks and undies

Tweeps call out DJ Shimza for his domestic worker remarks about her washing his socks and undies

When one has the means, they have the option of paying someone to do the things that they simply don’t have the time for or that they hate doing. 

DJ Shimza

For many of us, household chores are a perfect example. Whether it is ironing, cleaning, or doing the laundry. Are there certain things though that should be reserved for every individual to do themselves? Well, according to social media users, yes.

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DJ Shimza’s recent Twitter post has caused a bit of controversy.

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The house DJ shared with his 1.3-million followers what started out as an innocent post that many South Africans who are now heading back to the reality of work life after the festive season could relate to.

Shimza expressed how much he missed his helper.

However, it was the latter part of his post that caused a debate online. See the post below:

“My helper needs to come back now, I’m completely out of socks, Ke setse ka tsa ko bounce [I’m left with Bounce socks], tempted to wear them”.

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Many fans took offence to the notion that Shimza was awaiting his helper so that he could have clean socks, when he could very well wash them himself. Things got even more heated online after one tweep asked Shimza if his helper also washed his underwear, to which Shimza quipped: “It’s part of laundry”.


Read some of the responses to this revelation by Shimza below:

Do you think it is appropriate for a helper to wash undergarments? 

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