Someone created a fake Netflix with films and series you won't find anywhere else

Someone created a fake Netflix with films and series you won't find anywhere else

Ever wondered what you would find on a Netflix imposter? We have the answer.

Fake Netflix movies and series within movies and series

It's weird to think back to a time before Netflix, or any streaming service for that matter.

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So much of our day-to-day life and pop culture is dominated by what we watch on the site. It's become one of our main points of reference.

But there are many movies and series that have been "created" only to never see the light of day.

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What could we mean by that?

Series and movies often mention other films or productions that actually exist, let's say like 'The Big Bang Theory' referring to Marvel movies.

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There is also an almost equal amount of fake TV shows and movies that have existed within others but have never made it to production and release because, well, they're not real.

Think of Jack Black's 'Mrs. Albert Hannaday' movie in 'The Office' or 'Tropic Thunder' in which they reference a whole make-believe franchise called 'Scorcher' and a handful of others.

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Welcome to Nestflix.

Created by Lynn Fisher, it's a site with one purpose only - to provide you with every show within a show, or movie within a movie, that has ever existed!

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Lynn launched the site on the 11th of August and it is almost exactly like Netflix except everything is fake:

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There are currently over 400 real-fake movie and series titles on the site and it features everything from synopsises, quotes, stills, the fictional cast and directors.

Most importantly, it includes the movie/show it was featured or mentioned in.

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Since the site is continuously growing, Lynn has added a submission form where you can send in any films or series she might not have covered yet and they'll be added to the list.

What she didn't expect is for her inbox to explode with requests so she has had to pause submissions while she catches up.

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The current collection boasts titles from everything from 'The Simpsons' to 'Parks And Recreation'!

And although you still can't actually watch these titles, there is one exception.

If you are a fan of 'The Office' and you have always wanted to watch Michael Scott's 'Threat Level Midnight', you can:

Stacey and J Sbu podcasts
East Coast Radio

Main image courtesy of iStock

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