Social media in hysterics over viral KFC food-snatching drive-through video

Social media in hysterics over viral KFC food-snatching drive-through video

A video is circulating the internet that has everyone, including Stacey and J Sbu, unashamedly in tears of laughter. 

Instagram Screeenshot

So, let us set the scene, one which most South Africans are all too familiar with, particularly under level 4 lockdown. 

The drive-through of our favourite food outlet is almost always busy. Nine out of ten times you are starving and trying to get a quick and delicious meal for yourself or your family. 

A Namibian woman has gone viral on Instagram following a video of her seemingly at a KFC drive-through. After placing her order of what sounds like a streetwise two with some extras, the server hands the customer her order but within seconds the unexpected happens...

When we tell you that we are beside ourselves, just have a look for yourself below: 

It is important to note that no one was harmed in the video, all we see is an unidentified man run in and snatch the order right from the server's hands. 

The customer, still in the car, is both shocked and evidently amused by the incident! 

All we have to say is... same sis, same! 

via Gfycat

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