Should it be compulsory for everyone to wear a name badge?

Should it be compulsory for everyone to wear a name badge?

Saving face, one name badge at a time...

Man wearing name badge with Stacey and J Sbu
Man wearing name badge with Stacey and J Sbu/ canva

Have you ever forgotten someone’s name? Here's a solution that may save us a whole lot of embarrassment...

You know this hack all too well; in school you may have lost it a few times, had to replace it or even blatantly refused to wear it. 

May we present: Name badges. 

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Picture this, you bump into someone and start a conversation, but instead of calling them Jessica, you have to fill in the blanks with 'you', 'queen' or even 'girl'.

Name badges are frequently used at conventions, work spaces, and most often at schools. 

If you've worked in retail, you'll know that a name badge is a standard part of your uniform and is a useful tool. Getting spoken at all day can get a little bit frustrating, so being addressed by your real name is an important part of feeling respected by customers and co-workers.

Honestly, could wearing a name badge to your kid's soccer match or next gym session make life a little easier?

One KZN user says: "I'd be open to trying it, but I'm afraid I'd look like a dork. Imagine wearing a name badge on a random Sunday afternoon?!"

Another user says: "I like the idea but I guarantee I'd lose it very quickly." 

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If government intervention and national policy made it compulsory to wear a name badge, would you want to? Can you see the merits of it? 

Share your thoughts with us below: 

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Image courtesy of canva


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