Should a couple manage their finances separately or together?

Should a couple manage their finances separately or together?

Love and finances… definitely an awkward topic but one that needs to be discussed at some point in the relationship.

Woman and man checking their finances

Today's Big Debate is not exclusive to married couples but couples in general, and it might be an awkward conversation to have.

Read: "Why won't my boyfriend tell me how much money he is earning?"

We talking money, money, money...


When it comes to finances in relationships, should each individual have their separate accounts or should you have a joint account? 

Money is always a sensitive topic whether it has to do with family or friends, but especially worse when it comes to romantic relationships, because that's another hurdle you have to overcome. 

But it is safe to say that not everyone sees things the same way and everyone deserves a little freedom. 

This how JSbu feels about joint accounts: 

KZN, we want to hear from you, should a couple manage their finances separately or together?

Listen to the podcast to hear what KZN had to say:

Read what KZN had to say on Facebook: 

Should a couple manage their finances separately or jointly?

Posted by East Coast Drive on Monday, November 9, 2020

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