Shocking: SA earthquake still has social media buzzing

Shocking: SA earthquake still has social media buzzing

The incident that rocked Mzansi...

Shook! Here's what Mzansi really thought about the trembling earthquakes:
Shook! Here's what Mzansi really thought about the trembling earthquakes:

Wake and Shake, baby! 

Residents of Joburg experienced the rudest (and rockiest) of alarms in the earliest hours of Sunday morning, when a sizeable earthquake struck. 

Throwback: Here's what Mzansi really thought about the trembling earthquakes

Seismic activity is fairly common in the area because of mining activity, but this was no ordinary tremor... The quake measured 4.4 on the Richter scale according to the Council for Geoscience. It also caused some damage to homes and public infrastructure. 

Here is a viral video of how the earth was quaking: 

Social media was abuzz with speculation of the potential danger of the quake, before the aftershock of the arrival of the memes. 

Residents who were trembling after experiencing the tremor have taken a light-hearted stance on the matter, while the rest of Mzansi contributes to the laughter.

Take a look at some of the reactions that spread further than the tremor: 

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