SEE: Remarkable two-headed tortoise is stealing the show

SEE: Remarkable two-headed tortoise is stealing the show

Now this is something interesting for a Monday...

SEE: Remarkable two-headed tortoise is stealing the show
SEE: Remarkable two-headed tortoise is stealing the show

This one-of-a-kind creature has us seeing double - literally!

The double headed tortoise, Janus, celebrates his 25th birthday in Geneva's Natural History Museum.

He is a-head of the game as he has two hearts, two pairs of lungs, and even two distinct personalities.

Read More: Double-headed, two-faced snake has just been captured in Durban North!

As you can imagine, this tortoise gets special treatment. He is washed with a toothbrush every single day. 

His every need is catered for in this prestigious institution. 

DW reports: "The Greek tortoise (Testudo graeca) is bathed daily in green tea and chamomile, massaged regularly, given a special diet and monitored for his health status. Janus is fed cut up organic fruits and vegetables. "

Read More: Conjoined twins with fused brains have been successfully separated

Will this animal unlock the mystical secrets of a tortoise's longevity?  

Stay tuned for more updates...

WATCH: Snake climbing on resting woman gives us goosebumps!

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