#RebuildKZN: R15-million going to charities assisting riot and looting recovery

#RebuildKZN: R15-million going to charities assisting riot and looting recovery

Just in case we haven't said it already - we LOVE our community!

Cleaning Shallcross after KZN riots/looting

Cleanup, restoration, and recovery are all still taking place across the province.

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After everything that happened last week, KZN has really come together with various initiatives and within our communities to start getting things back on track and back to normal.

A week ago, that might have been an impossible dream, but with every helping hand and bit of support, we'll get there.

And speaking of support, Standard Bank has come through in a major way.

READ: Durban youth organisation helping to clean up KZN

Chief Executive of Standard Bank South Africa, Lungisa Fuzile, announced that they would be donating R15-million to multiple NGOs in an attempt to help assist those affected by the recent unrest. 

Furthermore, this is the first of various relief measures that Standard Bank will be taking:

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At this point in time, FoodForward SA (an organisation that focuses on distributing food to those in need) and UNICEF have both received R5.5-million, while The Gift of the Givers Foundation (the largest disaster response, non-governmental organisation of African origin on the African continent) has received its first R4.5-million.

UNICEF has stated that they will be using these funds to help support the Refugee Social Services in KZN as well as ACT, a Gauteng organisation. Together they are focused on distributing hygiene products, food, supplies, and clothing.

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That's not all. Standard Bank is also looking to help the small and medium business sector, of which a majority are having to rebuild their businesses from the ground up after the rioting and looting.

Together with a few organisations that specialise in supporting this sector, they are hoping to provide even more assistance.

Previously: Even when things were still uncertain, unsafe, and quite volatile, there were many South Africans, businesses, and companies from around the country stepping up to the plate to help get KZN back on its feet:

This past week has been rough.

READ: Durban youth organisation helping to clean up KZN

Every single person in this province has experienced a rollercoaster of emotions within such a short period of time.

Looting, riots, violence, food shortages, water shortages, loss of business, and entire companies being burned to the ground is not something any human should ever have to experience.

READ: Baby saved from burning building by Durban mom and crowd of heroes

By Tuesday, most of us can admit - we had lost hope. It seemed like this unrest will continue for the foreseeable future and there was nothing we would be able to do to get through it, never mind put a stop to it.

But how quickly we forget the incredible tenacity of the South African people. Our ability to find the light in the darkest of situations. Our ability to come together when it seems like every force is working towards pushing us apart and pitting us against each other.

READ: Insurance specialist has advice for KZN small businesses affected by #KZNShutdown

When others could not take action, neighbours came together and started helping each other. WhatsApp groups were being flooded with resources, updates on open stores and more. For the first time ever, you might have actually borrowed a cup of sugar from your neighbour.

KZN is already coming together to restore peace, clean up and raise money for those affected by the events of the past few days.

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Even people from across the country are contributing to the restoration of our province.

Local beauty brand SwiitchBeauty recently made a generous donation to the Gift of the Givers Foundation, which will be used to help KZN.

A beautiful example of people from across the country coming together and helping KZN get back on its feet.

We love to see it.

If you have an initiative, or know of one, that is currently working in KZN and is in need of an extra boost, some resources or just a few helping hands, we want to help you get the support your initiative's needs.

We want to highlight the beautiful work you're doing, so tell us more about it here and how East Coast Radio can help you!

Stacey and J Sbu podcasts
East Coast Radio

Main image courtesy of @GCIS_KZN/Twitter

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