The price of rotisserie chicken in South Africa is skyrocketing!

The price of rotisserie chicken in South Africa is skyrocketing!

If you want a chicken on the go, you better be ready to fork out some big bucks! 

The price of rotisserie chicken in South Africa is skyrocketing!
The price of rotisserie chicken in South Africa is skyrocketing!/ iStock

Pretty much everything in Mzansi has had a price hike, but this was just unexpected. 

The increasing prices of petrol, oil, and electricity has decreased the standard of living around the county.

Read More: Govt moves to deregulate petrol price

But who would've thought that this price hike would affect our rotisserie chickens? 

What once was a convenient and cost effective meal is now hitting the bank balance hard.

See the astronomical price increase below: 

*language warning*

Read More: How much is too much for a burger? DJ Zinhle and KZN speak out

This price point sparked outrage among Tweeps.

Many stated that this price was "unacceptable" and called for a chicken boycott.

However, ENCA shares some good news. 

This news outlet stated that despite the recent price surge, that is all about to change due to a change in import duties. 

So there you have it, folks, no need to suspect fowl play and go on a chicken strike.

Decreasing prices will be coming soon.

Read More: J Sbu forces Stacey to try chicken wings and yogurt!


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