PMB municipal workers captured sleeping on graves, municipality outraged

PMB municipal workers captured sleeping on graves, municipality outraged

The disrespect...

PMB municipal workers captured sleeping on graves, municipality outraged
PMB municipal workers captured sleeping on graves, municipality outraged/ @YusifWani Twitter

After a series of pictures went viral of municipal staff members allegedly sitting and sleeping on top of graves, Msunduzi Municipality has expressed shock and outrage.

"It's not everyday that you fall asleep on the job but when you do, make sure that you don't get caught like these folks," says one ECR listener.

According to IOL, the circulating pictures show workers from its parks department, which is responsible for the cleaning of parks and other public facilities, relaxing in a graveyard, with some of them sitting and others sleeping on tombstones. It is not clear when the pictures were taken.

See the photos that sparkled reactions below: 

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After this "disturbing" image began to circulate the internet, the municipality released a statement on Monday, 20 February, slamming the behaviour as "unacceptable and a sign of disrespect for the families who laid their loved ones to rest in the graveyard".

Here's what municipal spokesperson, Ntobeko Mkhize, has to say on the matter: “Msunduzi has been made aware of the disturbing photographs where employees are seen sleeping and sitting on top of graves. Such unacceptable behaviour is condemned with the contempt it deserves.

“The municipality will not condone such behaviour and can confirm processes are in place for the implicated employees to be charged for misconduct and putting the municipality into disrepute.”

Read More: Are these houses built around tombstones a "waste of money"?

TimesLive shares that city manager, Lulamile Mapholoba, has ordered an investigation into the matter.    

Ntobeko Mkhize said: “People hold graveyards and tombstones in very high regard as spiritual places where they honour loved ones’ memories. The city manager has ordered an investigation to be conducted as soon as possible.”

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Stay tuned for more on this developing story, we will bring you the latest at East Coast Radio. 

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Image courtesy of @YusifWaniTwitter 

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