Nutritionist reveals which junk food is a healthier breakfast than cereal

Nutritionist reveals which junk food is a healthier breakfast than cereal

We still wouldn't recommend eating junk food for breakfast every day...

Pizza is healthier breakfast that cereal

Whether breakfast is the most important meal of the day or not, having a meal every morning is obviously good for you.

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Maybe you go the whole nine yards and make a full breakfast spread every morning - eggs, bacon, and toast all included, or maybe you're the smoothie-on-the-go type.

There are obviously some meals that are healthier than others and provide more nutritional value, keep you satisfied for longer, and just make you feel better during the day.

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And while it breaks our hearts to admit it - sugary, chocolate cereals do not fall within that category.

In fact, they might just be the worst thing you could snap, crackle, and pop into your body at 7am every day.

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Although one might think that a fast-food restaurant breakfast menu item surely can't be healthier than cereal?

We're wrong and there really is one junk food that is considered a healthier breakfast food than cereal. And just to clarify, we mean those really sweet, comes with a toy type cereals and clearly not something as obviously healthy as organic muesli.

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According to Chelsey Amer, a New York nutritionist, you can replace your frosted flakes with a slice of pizza and it will be better for you than the previously mentioned sugar bowl!

But how?

Amer told ABC News that a slice of cheesy margherita pizza is a much more balanced meal than a bowl of cereal!

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Be still our beating hearts, but it's really true.


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While some might argue that eating pizza every morning is just as bad for you, the point of Amer's statement is that we should be paying more attention to the absolute lack of nutritional value in these cereals that are marketed as great ways to fuel your body.

Dr Lauren Kelly, who had the job of confirming Amer's claims, also agrees that pizza is not the best choice but it does highlight the real problem which is that cereal, a meal that is being consumed daily, is also not supposed to be eaten daily.

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Most kids are eating bowls and bowls of cereal every morning where a slice of pizza in comparison actually has more protein.

Amer is clear in stating that she is not recommending pizza for breakfast every day:

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The important thing is that you are mindful of how you fuel your body and what you put in it.

Everything is good in moderation and in 2021, the saying "health is wealth" is more important than ever.

Stacey and J Sbu podcasts
East Coast Radio

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