Nandos gets Mzansi laughing with their savage 'Khumbul'ekhaya' Twitter reply

Nando's gets Mzansi laughing with their savage 'Khumbul'ekhaya' Twitter reply

Nando's doesn't get ready, they stay ready!

Nandos has Mzansi in stiches with savage Twitter reply

Here's what we know about Nando's:

  1. They have great food
  2. Their advertisements make us LOL
  3. And their social media presence is unmatched

READ: WATCH: New Nando's ad leaves SA in stitches #Tembisa10

How do we know this? Because it's what history has taught us and Nandos has shown us time and time again.

And we love to see it!

Very recently they had us in stitches with their "official statement" on the #Tembisa10 baby situation and now they are back at it.

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Their most recent unsuspecting victim is Twitter user @sabzsgizo, who very innocently sent out the below tweet, probably not thinking anyone of importance would see it seeing as he didn't even tag Nando's in his tweet:

READ: WATCH: Jason Derulo asks baker to create life-size cake of himself

Of course, without missing a beat, Nando's replied with a bit of a drag:

".@sabzsgizo, we already asked Khumbul'ekhaya to help us find you. When you come around on pay day, you will come through the kitchen- right?"

READ: WATCH: Woman has extreme response for kids who denied stealing her food order

Whoever runs the Nando's Twitter account clearly woke up and chose violence on that morning! But let's be honest, it was pretty funny and obviously, we weren't the only ones laughing along:

READ: WATCH: Internet reacts to horror cake made of KFC, veggies and mash

Yes, we'll definitely have whatever they're having.

The story did have a happy and wholesome ending though as Nando's took a comedic break and sincerely reached out to @sabzsgizo by offering him a little bid of mid-month assistance:

How cute?

We can all agree Nando's just continues to be the gift that keeps on giving...

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Main image courtesy of @sabzsgizo/Twitter

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