"My sister is engaged but should I let her know what is really going on?" - KZN listener

"My sister is engaged but should I let her know what is really going on?" - KZN listener

A listener has shared with us a dilemma that she is facing... #TheFixer

Lady stressed

A listener has shared with us a dilemma that she is facing...

Her sister is engaged.

What should be an exciting time is bit murky for her and she does not know if she should suck it up or let her sister know what is going on.

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For some clarity, her sister's fiancé was inappropriately flirting and making sexual advances towards her. 

It only happened twice in her sister's three-year relationship with him, but on both occasions it made her very uncomfortable. 

When he did it the first time, she laughed it off, because she was so shocked. She also gave him the benefit of the doubt because he had a few drinks. 

But a week before this engagement news… he did it again. 

Her sister's now-fiancé once again made inappropriate sexual advances at her.

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via MEME

She warned him that she would tell her sister and family if he ever tried to even look in her direction again. What should she do?

We took to Facebook to ask KZN what their thoughts are:

Nearly everyone agreed that she should tell her sister. 

Some notable comments were: "You should tell your sister, but I highly doubt that she’ll believe you. It always goes like that. Rather tell her, get it off your chest, and ignore her fiancé instead of stressing over the situation, leave her to deal with her man on her own." 

Another said "Yes!!!! I wish my friends informed me about my ex fiancé and his ways... Would of been so much simpler back then... Remember once a cheater, then he will do it again and again."

Another user mentioned the financial implications saying: "Weddings are expensive.. tell your sister the truth so she can invest in a wedding with a partner that’s really worth it. Cheaters won’t change .. their lies do." 

Lastly, one user said: "Oyo... Please tell yr sister" - and we can't agree more.


What do you think this user should do? What would you do if you were in her situation?

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