Meatless Mondays: Ads banned for meat overseas cause outrage?

Meatless Mondays: Ads banned for meat overseas cause outrage?

The latest on going meatless...

Meatless Monday’s: Ads banned for meat overseas cause outrage?
Meatless Monday’s: Ads banned for meat overseas cause outrage?

Taking a sabbatical from meat every now and then is very common around South Africa.

With rising trends and cultural practices, many people don’t eat meat on a Monday. 

We found it fitting to discuss the incorporation of meat with one’s diet. 

Read more: Would you eat a lion burger, some zebra sushi, or a tiger taco?

However, in recent news, a Dutch city has become the first in the world to ban meat adverts. 

This comes at a time where vegan, vegetarian, pescatarian, and plant-based diets have a large following. 

The ban in the city of Haarlem, Netherlands was proposed last year by environmentally-focused political party GroenLinks - and it was just made official last week.

Business Insider reports: "Adverts for meat products will be banned from Haarlem's buses, bus shelters, and any screens in public places from 2024, the Dutch news agency Trouw reported. The move is part of an effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the city after meat was added to an official list of products deemed to contribute to climate change."

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