LOST IN TRANSPORTATION: South Africans are losing their luggage

LOST IN TRANSPORTATION: South Africans are losing their luggage

 Piles and piles of bags are being accumulated at some of the most prestigious airports in the world.

LOST: South African's are losing their luggage as they travel the world
LOST: South African's are losing their luggage as they travel the world/ Micaela Viljoen

Our fellow South Africans are jet setting around the world, but they aren't able to secure the bag after luggage is being lost left, right, and centre. 

With airports worldwide being overloaded with baggage, it's a no-brainer that Saffas are outraged!

WATCH: Ever had luggage drama whilst traveling? Check out what happened to this person...

One South African mentions that "This baggage system is worse than our Home Affairs in SA."

Listen to one fashion student from Cape Town share her story of how she had to use her scarf as the OOTD (Outfit Of The Day). 

LOST IN TRANSPORTATION: South Africans are losing their luggage
LOST IN TRANSPORTATION: South Africans are losing their luggage

The airports are failing to keep up the lost luggage and issues amidst chaotic summer travel in the Northern Hemisphere. 

This nightmare has been ongoing and is especially bad in Europe.

Another young South African who is a yachtie shares his aggravating travel stress below: 

Read More: Turn around! Baggage left on the runway, but will this worker pick it up?

The blame has ultimately been placed on the airlines. Airlines have not managed to recruit enough ground handlers because they are underpaying them. 

Long lines and a travel rush have all attributed to the madness. 

To read more about the travel issues overseas regarding luggage, click here

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