Let's have a laugh! The 5 best Stacey and J Sbu moments of the week

Let's have a laugh! The 5 best Stacey and J Sbu moments of the week

We've rounded up #StaceyAndJSbusBestBits from the past week just for you! So sit back, relax, and take a listen...

Best of #StaceyJSbuOnECR
East Coast Radio

Are you looking to catch up on the best moments brought to you by your favourite Drive duo?

Well, this is the place to be!

READ: From Sun-El Musician to #SinglesDay: The top 5 hottest moments of the week

We're rounded up the most hilarious, most tense, most exciting moments from the past week in one place so you can just sit back, relax, and enjoy.

Let's get into it...

The week started off very dramatic, yet entertaining, as the team celebrated our favourite sports presenter, Nicholas Tatham getting married by taking him to a Bachelor's party on the golf course.

Little did Stacey and J Sbu know that this day could have been their last:

Stacey has a lot of love for her cohost but this week something happened that had her saying "enough is enough".

She had sent J Sbu a text and what happened next will either make you say "that's unacceptable" or "I would do the same".

Find out why she decided to drag J Sbu on-air:

We also took a naughty little trip down memory lane as Stacey, J Sbu and KZN shared some childhood stories.

It was listener Bhekisa's story, which involved an "abandoned" house and the police, that really had us in disbelief:

(Read more here)

This week's #TheFixer was definitely no laughing matter.

In fact, it hit quite close to home for Stacey and she found it more triggering than any other dilemma they have ever had to deal with on the show:

(Read more here)

And finally, we ended the week on a more serious, but just as important, note.

To honour #InternationalMensDay, J Sbu had one of the most open and honest conversations he's had in years.

Take a listen:

(Read more here)

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East Coast Radio

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