Legal expert explains: what is "a state of emergency"?

Legal expert explains: what is "a state of emergency"?

It's a big phrase being thrown around so let's provide some clarity.

Legal expert explains what a state of emergency is

According to ECR Newswatch the Minister of Defence, Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula says South Africa does not need a state of emergency.

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Almost instantly this has caused another divide. Some people are agreeing while others are very against this idea.

Then there are the few of us that have no issue with being willing to admit that we have no idea what a state of emergency really entails.

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The Constitution allows President Cyril Ramaphosa to declare a state of emergency with immediate effect and it can only be implemented for 21 days.

You might be thinking that it sounds official, it can be implemented by the commander-in-chief of our country and it must be a good thing otherwise it wouldn't be an option.

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It could be the only way that the government can help rectify this scary situation we find ourselves in but what are the very real consequences of declaring a state of emergency?

As always we are here to inform you to the best of our abilities and the more you know, the better.

Cathleen Powell is an Associate Professor in Public Law at the University of Cape Town and we spoke to her to find out what does a state of emergency mean for South Africa:

We also know that you are tired, angry, frustrated, and maybe even feeling completely hopeless.

It might not be a lot but we just want to tell you:

Stacey and J Sbu podcasts
East Coast Radio

Main image courtesy of @SANDF_ZA/Twitter

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