KZN listener allegedly threatened and forced by her employer to get vaccinated

KZN listener allegedly threatened and forced by her employer to get vaccinated

The vaccination conversation is far from over.

Businesses are encouraging mandatory vaccinations

Recently, Stacey and J Sbu received this voice note and it sparked a conversation between them that they wanted to share with you:

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There has been a lot of controversy surrounding the COVID-19 vaccines since they entered production.

Many people have fears about the contents of this vaccine, and it's only natural to be scared of the unknown, but that's why it is so important to do your research and listen to the facts.

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The whole world is currently making a strong effort to vaccinate as many people as possible, and while some countries are doing better than others, South Africa has officially reached 5.6-million fully-vaccinated individuals.

In KZN, there are two-million fully-vaccinated individuals and more registering and being administered every day.

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While the choice to get vaccinated still lies with you as an individual, we have already started seeing companies, businesses, organisations, and even entire countries show their support for mandatory vaccinations.

What this means is that many employers want to provide their workers with incentives if they choose to get vaccinated or even force their employees to receive the vaccine.

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In some instances, companies are even requiring customers and consumers to be vaccinated or they might be refused service.

Business Leadership South Africa chief executive Busi Mavuso writes that even the government should consider introducing COVID-19 vaccine incentives as well as digital passes (like vaccine passports) to achieve a higher vaccination rate amongst adults.

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While this might seem like a good idea, it raises the issue with body autonomy.

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There are many advocates for body autonomy and this could be one of the next major debates that we as a society have to face.

If you chose to indeed get vaccinated, it is just as much your right to choose not to get vaccinated. 

Even the South African government have spoken about their consideration for mandatory vaccines.

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Health Minister Joe Phaahla, mentioned that his department is looking into the introduction of mandatory vaccines in SA during a media briefing on the 27th of August.

While no official determination has yet been made, the matter has been raised for consideration and the department are currently discussing the conditions under which the mandatory vaccines could be possible.

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Phaahla did also state that he does not believe that they will be introducing official regulations surrounding vaccination status.

Although it should be noted that certain industries, such as the entertainment sector and services sector, could be required to get a mandatory jab.

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All of this raises another few serious questions...

Is there really a difference between mandatory vaccinations and vaccination incentives?

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Are mandatory vaccinations even legal? Can the government, our employers, and other countries really wield this much power over our bodies?

Stacey and J Sbu asked you KZN whether or not you are pro-vaccine and this is what you had to say:

Stacey and J Sbu also contacted Allison Mariska Schoeman, the managing director of AMS Attorneys Inc., to find out what the legal implications of all of these possibilities are:

Stacey and J Sbu podcasts
East Coast Radio

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