KZN: How do you know it's time for a new bed?

KZN: How do you know it's time for a new bed?

After uncovering how often we should get a new bed, we can now sleep well at night...

KZN: How do you know it's time for a new bed?
How do you know it's time for a new bed?/ canva

"Don't sleep on changing your bed," Stacey Norman says. 

Today, we are pulling off the covers and taking about beds. 

You may feel like you got your bed just yesterday, but you never know what lies beneath the surface...

Read More: The best pillows for a good night's sleep

When purchasing a bed, you may have heard that it will last a decade. However, Sleep Foundation tells us under normal conditions, mattresses should be replaced every 6 to 8 years. Of course, this is a general guideline and not a one-size-fits-all solution.

Read More: Zzz...The science behind beauty sleep

The experts share that you should replace your mattress if one or more of the following apply:

  • It’s 6-8+ years old
  • It’s negatively affecting your sleep
  • It’s noticeably saggy or damaged in certain areas
  • It’s making more noise than usual (noisy springs are common in old innerspring mattresses)
  • You find that you sleep better at hotels, friends’ houses, etc.
  • You notice an increase in allergies and/or asthma
  • You regularly wake up with muscle or joint stiffness


We wish you the sweetest of dreams. 

Stay tuned for more, we will bring you the latest at East Coast Radio. 

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