Karen strikes again: Restaurant shocked after receiving strange takeaway order

Karen strikes again: Restaurant shocked after receiving strange takeaway order

We have officially reached peak picky eater territory.

Picky eaters strange Alan and Karen restaurant order

When it comes to dietary requirements and restrictions, it is totally understandable when a customer or diner might ask for a few edits to their order.

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But, usually, that would include a request such as "no nuts" or "no tomato", which won't bother the chef too much.

However, there will always be those fussy eaters that will try to push the servers, the chef, and whoever else they can to the absolute max.

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Like this couple who, very aptly, is named Alan and Karen.

On a group called 'Don't F With Your Server', a note was posted that contained one of the most detailed and specific orders most restaurant workers have ever seen.

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The couple rocked up to the restaurant with their printed-out order and super particular instructions, which contained six steps and explained how they want their takeaway burgers cooked and packaged. 

Yes, you read that right. Six steps. For burgers. 

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And here we always assumed that most restaurant staff know how to assemble a burger, but as it turns out it's exactly the one thing this couple did NOT want.

Have a look at the unbelievable order below:

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The users in the comments were also not having any of it and did all agree on one thing:

Couple cook burgers instruction list
Couple restaurant order list
Couple order list restaurant burger

Should they rather have just saved everyone the effort and made the burgers at home?

We think the answer is pretty clear.

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Main image courtesy of DFWYourServer/Facebook

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