Yay or Nay? Inviting someone to your ceremony but not the wedding reception

Yay or Nay? Inviting someone to your ceremony but not the wedding reception

KZN chimes in with their thoughts...

Yay or Nay? Inviting someone to your ceremony but not the wedding reception
Yay or Nay? Inviting someone to your ceremony but not the wedding reception/ canva

“You can come to our wedding but make sure to leave straight afterwards.”

This sort of line might have ticked you off a few years ago, but it’s becoming increasingly common.

The trend of inviting guests to your wedding ceremony but not extending an invite to the reception afterwards is booming!

WATCH: Couple flaunts their wedding which cost a shocking R0!

Stacey and J Sbu have decided to investigate this pressing matter with their fellow East Coasters and get to the bottom of why this is happening.

You know what they say, 'there ain’t no party like a wedding party'. So hold on to your horses and tune in.


Read More: Divorced woman demands refund from wedding photographer

Weddings are beautiful celebrations often captured by photos.

For most, wedding pictures are a top priority as these pics get posted all over the net, paint the walls of your home, and are revisited over tea and coffee with loved ones. It is undoubtedly something that people splurge on when selecting the right photographer for their grand day. 

A seemingly special trip down memory lane was taken by one bride who contacted her photographer, but this time, for all the wrong reasons.

A bridezilla demanded a refund from the photographer for her wedding pictures as she recently became divorced and "had no need" for the images. 

WATCH: Couple flaunts their wedding which cost a shocking R0!

This South African wedding photographer had one of the craziest weeks with a request he hasn't heard in his entire career. 

See the WhatsApp thread that has Mzansi up in arms: 

Screenshot 2023-04-17 at 08.41.05.png
Exchange between ex-wife and photographer over wedding pics 2
Exchange between ex-wife and photographer over wedding pics 2/ confessionsZA
Exchange between ex-wife and photographer over wedding pics
Exchange between ex-wife and photographer over wedding pics 3/ ConfessionsZA

As seen in the thread above, what transpired between the ex-bride and photographer is rare and widely described by fellow South Africans as "ridiculous".

Johannesburg-based photographer Lance Romeo tells PetaPixel that the client was a friend of a friend he met shortly before the wedding.

Lance says: “After the wedding, I came back home and sent the pictures to them and I moved on,” Romeo says. “Happy client, they loved the pictures, and that was that. Or so I thought.”

Read More: Grand wedding thrown for pets sparks mixed reactions

Once the situation escalated to the point where the old client wanted lawyers involved, Lance thought it best to share the fact that photographers do not offer such refunds and end the conversation abruptly.

“Initially I thought I was being pranked,” Romeo says. “I thought she was joking and that she would tell me why she was contacting me and she was just trying to be funny. So I responded the way I responded thinking there’s no way she’s this crazy and would tell me it’s a joke. But I responded that way in case she’s serious, and it turns out she IS serious."


Stay tuned for more on this developing story, we will bring you the latest at East Coast Radio. 

Read More: This wedding went up in smoke when vaping couple said "I juul"

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Image courtesy of canva


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