It's International Cat Day, so here are some purrrfect videos of cute kittens!

It's International Cat Day, so here are some purrrfect videos of cute kittens!

International Cat Day is a full 24 hours of recognition for kitty cats around the world. 

Stacey's cat
Stacey's cat Goku / Stacey and J Sbu

Today is a day of celebrating fur babies.

Pamper your furry feline friends on International Cat Day, visit big cats at the zoo, or consider taking the plunge and adopting one of these wonderful creatures.

Stacey Norman is a proud and loud cat mom to Goku. He has his very own personality and he is the "queen" of the Norman household. Check out Goku in his element here:

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J Sbu is not a cat person but he does agree that these felines are extremely cool. 

Here are some of our favourite cat vids that instantly put us in a good mood after a long day:

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Here are some interesting facts about cats:

  • They can jump up to six times their height
  • Cats can sleep from 13-16 hours a day 
  • Purring means a cat is content 
  • A cat's whiskers is as sensitive as a human's fingertips
  • Cats scratch furniture to mark their territory

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Stay tuned for more, we will bring you the latest at East Coast Radio. 

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Image courtesy of Stacey 

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