"I threw a party just because I'm single - and you should do it too!"

"I threw a party just because I'm single - and you should do it too!"

This single does not need to mingle...

Single ladies party
Single ladies party / HBO screenshot

Baby showers, weddings, divorce parties... almost every pivotal moment in life seems to be celebrated. Today we take a moment to honour those who take the road less travelled.

Staying single should not be something that is shamed, but rather celebrated. 

Stacey Norman makes mention to Carrie Bradshaw in 'Sex and the City', who wanted to throw a party in honour of herself and her life choices.

WARNING: Do not put this in your dating app bio!

One ECR listener has taken this advice to another level and thrown her very own "just because I'm single" birthday.


Stacey and J Sbu have decided to take this conversation on air and check in where ECR listeners stand.

TUNE IN at 15:00 today to find out more. We will bring you the latest at East Coast Radio

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Image courtesy of HBO screenshot

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