"I feel like men do not court women like they used to in the past" - KZN Listener

"I feel like men do not court women like they used to in the past" - KZN Listener

A KZN single mom has reached out seeking some much needed advice on her current love life.

Sharon, KZN listener
Sharon, KZN listener / iStock

This week, Stacey and J Sbu received a voice note from a KZN single mom who is seeking advice with regard to her relationships.

Sharon is aware that she may get some backlash for this, but she doesn't know what to do...

She is desperately looking for her Romeo in our province.

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Have a listen to Sharon sharing her story with us below:

Sharon explains how she has been involved in relationships where she was taken care of in all aspects, especially financially.

Sharon goes on to explain her dating dilemma and what fish are currently in the sea.

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Sharon does not believe she is being unrealistic. These expectations are based on what she believes she deserves.

The harsh reality is that very often people put in minimal effort, particularly when it comes to "wooing" a woman. 

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We took to Facebook to ask our listeners what their thoughts on Sharon's situation were....

The responses were as follows:

  • Seriously as a woman reading this...I laughed. We ask to be treated as equals to men and then expect to be treated like a princess?
  • Nope, you are just looking for someone with class and respect. Unless you're looking for just a "fun night", keep your standards high, if you don't it'll all crumble painfully in no time.
  • You can only be a princess if he feels like a prince.
  • Not unrealistic at all. Maybe its time some old school habits got renewed.…
  • No you are not being unrealistic at all, I want the same thing. I would rather alone and happy than be miserable and with the wrong man.
As you can see, there are so many conflicting responses. Everyone has a different take on the situation.

Ultimately, it's each to their own, as long as you're happy with the situation you are in and feel somewhat fulfilled in your love life - that's all that matters. 

Thank you, Sharon, for reaching out, we wish you the best in your journey...

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